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What is Kanaoka's Quality Control Department?

Manage each manufacturing process in the factory
In a department that aims to maintain and improve product quality
It is an indispensable presence for manufacturers.

Business contents

1: Prototyping and manufacturing guidance for new products at the manufacturing site
Prototype specifications (like blueprints for packaging materials) when introducing new materials such as films, adhesives, and inks
We will create the product and provide manufacturing guidance to the site.
For new materials to be practical, with workers, managers, sales and customers
It is necessary to collaborate and make prototypes over and over again.

2: Precautionary measures to eradicate defective products
We carry out quality inspections on products manufactured every day for color blurring, stains, and insufficient laminate strength.
We manage each process in the factory so that the work is done according to the rules.
In addition, we will incorporate the points to be noted in the work into the manufacturing process based on past complaints.
It is responsible for managing and instructing not only our own factories but also external cooperating factories.

3: Response and improvement measures when defective products occur
No matter how thorough preventive measures are taken, it is the manufacturing site that cannot eliminate complaints.
The Quality Control Department acts as a bridge between sales and manufacturing sites when such complaints occur, and investigates the cause.
After investigating the cause, we will put the improvement measures into the field.

Voices of Seniors (Information posted on Mynavi)

In "Senior Information" of Mynavi 2024, many interviews by senior employees of the Quality Control Department can be viewed.
Please refer to this as well!

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