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D&I Initiatives

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Initiatives

In 2021/5, the Kanaoka Group declared that it would work on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) as a management policy. Regardless of gender, nationality, age, etc., we will work to create a workplace where each employee with diverse backgrounds can work and grow with enthusiasm.

Diversity & Inclusion Promotion Policy

The Kanaoka Group believes that in order to continue to grow sustainably, it is essential for each and every employee of each group company to work and grow enthusiastically. Positioning D&I initiatives as a management strategy, we will carry out fair and impartial personnel management regardless of gender, nationality, etc., and work to improve the working environment and systems that make it easy for diverse human resources to work.

Diversity & Inclusion Promotion System

In 2021, an employee-participation-type "D&I Promotion Committee" was formed across group companies and business divisions. In collaboration with each business division, we will work on themes such as various systems, education systems, and work environment improvement.

Promoting the active participation of female employees

The Kanaoka Group has recently received applications from many female students for recruiting new graduates.We see this as a great opportunity for further growth, aiming to create a workplace where female employees can play an active role more than ever, and actively support the career development of female employees, such as introducing a training system by external mentor instructors for female employees.

Promoting the active participation of foreign employees

The Kanaoka Group began accepting foreign technical intern trainees in 2018, and currently more than 30 foreign employees, including technical intern trainees, are working. We will continue to actively hire foreign employees, focus on training foreign employees to acquire skills, and work on promotion, education system, and work environment improvement that match their individual abilities.
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